Thursday 31 March 2011

How Blacks were treated in the Southern States of America.

From the poem 'Strange Fruit' and clips from the film 'Mississippi Burning' I have learnt that back in the early 1900s black people were greatly mistreated. Segregations were put into action, separating the blacks from whites, and anti-black and Jew groups such as the Ku Klux Klan were established. These groups beat and even lynched blacks from minor reasons or for no reason at all. This is unfair, racist, horrible and shows the inequality of this time. In the poem I realised that hanging blacks was commonplace, which makes the act even worse.

1 comment:

  1. You're right Lucy, it's the 'commonplace' nature of it - that such sights really were as common as fruit on trees - that makes it particularly horrific. It's terrible to think that human beings are capable of such violent bigotry.
