Tuesday 3 May 2011

Reaction to documentary on modern-day nazis

I was shocked by the people I saw on this BBC documentary, I could not believe how racist they were and the fact that they thought this to be normal made it even more shocking. I find it somewhat disturbing that these people's children were being brought up in this manner, to believe black's were all bad, without a say in the matter of whether or not they wanted to be nazis (as they did not know any better). The one woman who kept her children home-schooled and taught them to sing extremely racist, 'White power' songs shocked me greatly when she said she would disown her daughters completely if they got a black boyfriend. I personally do not think that blacks should be looked down upon, I think of them as equals with as much right to live safely and unjudged in this world as I have. Just because someone is not of the Aryan race does not make them any less of a person than someone who does have blonde hair and blue eyes as this is not the perfect race. We are all the same in this world, and I find it horrible that some people believe otherwise and think coloured people are not worthy of living life freely. I also find it disturbing that some of the people interviewed did not care if they offended black people, they hung pro nazi flags and posters, attended 'White' concerts and allowed their children to play computer games where they shot black people. The worst thing to happen in this world for these people is if a black or Jew comes onto their property, and if that did happen they were unashamed to say they would beat them up and throw them out. They seem proud to call themselves nazis, and freely describe themselves to be racist. This documentary really opened my eyes to the horror that it hiding in this world.